Formal Complaints

Formal Complaints

Step 1: Raising Your Concern

If you have a concern about any aspect of our service, we encourage you to speak to a member of staff at the earliest opportunity. Many issues can be resolved straight away by discussing them informally with the relevant team member.

You can raise your concern by:

  • Speaking to one of our administrative team or the Practice Manager at the surgery.
  • Calling us on 01323 727531.
  • Filling in the Comments and Suggestions Form on our website

Step 2: Immediate Resolution

Where possible, we will try to resolve your complaint immediately. This may involve:

  • Offering an explanation or clarification.
  • Addressing the issue on the spot.
  • Providing alternative solutions to meet your needs.

If your concern cannot be resolved straight away, we will escalate it to the appropriate member of staff and provide you with a timeframe for a response.

Step 3: Formal Complaint (If Required)

If you feel your concern has not been resolved satisfactorily, you can submit a formal complaint by:

  • Writing to the Practice Manager, Laura Woodgates.
  • Filling in the Comments and Suggestions Form on our website and selecting – Formal complaint

We will acknowledge your complaint within 3 working days and aim to provide a full response within 10 working days. If further investigation is required, we will keep you informed of the progress.

Step 4: Review & Further Action

If you remain dissatisfied after receiving our response, you may request a review of your complaint. Alternatively, you can escalate your concerns to:

NHS England:-


Telephone:                  0300 311 2233

Address:                     NHS England, PO Box 16738, Redditch, B97 9PT


Parliamentary and Health Service Ombudsman:-


Helpline:                      0345 015 4033

Address:                      Millbank Tower, Millbank, London, SW1P 4QP



Our goal is to ensure that all concerns are handled fairly, efficiently, and with the aim of achieving the best possible outcome for our patients.

If you have any questions about our complaints procedure, please do not hesitate to ask a member of our team.

If you are complaining on behalf of a patient, we will need their written consent confirming that they wish the complaint to be investigated and that they are happy for someone else to deal with it.  You may wish to complete our consent template

To download our Compliments, Concerns and Complaints Information Leaflet for Patients, please click here.